Online deals is tricky

Wednesday, August 14, 2013 6 Comments A+ a-

It's been a while i have not update my blog (enjoying my 90 days maternity now) and would like share some of my own experience redeem these online deals lately.

1) I need to spend more time to read through all the long list of the terms and condition stated in the deals website and added quite few restriction.Really have to read carefully

2) Once bought the vouchers, advisable to redeem it asap not later than 1 month.Some restaurant close down, for some saying the main course is only left 3 out of 6 choices, fully booked for those facial or massage service and etc.

3) Only Groupon website i can see have selection of the customer service feedback for refund issue and more effective than any other website.

4) Recently, bought the item from Living Social, called to ask if the item is ready to collect at their office in Mid valley,and they said confirm YES!. The next day,my hubby went to their office was told the item is not there!wasting time and such a bad service that we experience here.So, they promise they will send by delivery FOC, but the item yet to reach my house.I doubt to purchase other item in the future and if really i found a good deal i wish to purchase,i will need call twice perhaps,getting their name and in written email as proof.

5) Another issue that is that we bought the hard disk from I Love Discount website.Offering a good price of RM 199 Bought for so long but, no email send to us to inform the status and we need to email to this website to ask for the status.So upset and disappointed that they actually refunded the money to us. Reason behind is the merchant cannot afford to provide such low price of the hard disk and said they have no such item and will not continue to deliver to us.

If they can't do such deal, please don't sell it on the online deals and giving us hope that we can buy such item with such attractive price. So troublesome, we need to email them, calling the merchant (no one answering) and waiting for the item to be delivered and now waiting for the money to be refunded to our account!

6) Many repeat deals and not interesting at all. Some website like WeBuy, Dealmates (especially), I Love Discount, Mydeal, Myimart, and others offering not much deals and getting bored of such website and seems not reliable. Seems like there is nothing much interesting deal in there. I just still getting active browse through Groupon and Living Social website only recently.

7) When making payment,some of the issue i encounter is the system cannot go through smoothly and frustration

8) The drawback for some deals is they giving short period to redeem the voucher. For example, the deal in Living Social for food deals, only can redeem within one months time, and some of the massage deals within 2-3 months only. Just imagine they sold more than 200 voucher and even more, how we can redeem it within the time frame and usually when called for reservation everything is FULLY BOOKED (that's what i hate to hear it) even i called up early and EVEN when i have booked, and on that day i went to redeem it, they can't even find my name. This is the worst scenario and they won't let you in. Another tricky way is the merchant actually wanted the customers to redeem it during weekdays. So you might just need to apply leave to redeem your vouchers...

9) I would like to share to you all that buying cash voucher is more reliable than those 3 main course or 5 main course. At least i was greeted as walk in customers, and shown the actual menu and the portion of the food is same as the usual walk in customers.( so far i observe they did not actually reduce the portion). And all the food is prepared fresh from the kitchen according to the menu we chosen.


Write comments
August 27, 2013 at 4:45 PM delete

Thanks for great information you write it very clean. I am very lucky to get this tips from you. For the individuals who are apprehensive of value, surface and guaranteed conveyance of the item as seen on the site, it may be a little troublesome to believe a online shopping entrance at the outset yet it just takes one request to change their misgiving into a dependable connection with the online vendors.

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August 28, 2013 at 8:49 PM delete

Well actually groupon is not too reliable too, i had a few issues with them before, but thank god, as you said, sometimes they are willing to refund and listen to rants which are plus points as compared to similar websites offering similar products

September 5, 2013 at 7:11 PM delete

I am very cautious about the websites I use for online shopping as I have so many victims who got cheated by online frauds. I always go for the authority and the most common web portal among all for shopping online.

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Pooi Yee
November 20, 2013 at 11:40 AM delete

hi there, yeah true and very much agree

Pooi Yee
November 20, 2013 at 11:42 AM delete

yeah the most reliable so far for me is still groupon. and yet we need to stand still on our customer rights and get the full refund for any dissatisfaction. cheers

Pooi Yee
November 20, 2013 at 11:49 AM delete

yeah to be safe. do not buy too expensive stuff :)
