My Girl First Experience Going to Dentist
My MIL notice her new teeth coming out from the bottom part and it does
really gives us a shock. Her milk tooth doesn’t move at all. No sign of
pain. But the new teeth is pushing its way out. Very scary to see both
teeth coming out so fast that we never realized at all. When she cry,
open her mouth, then only we all see it!OMG.. nervous and thinking what
to do? What will the doctor do? Pluck out her both teeth? She cry and
keep saying she don’t want to go see dentist. Pity girl. I have been
thinking how to talk to her. When she is back to her mood, she suddenly
come and tell me about this fairy tooth story. You put your teeth under
the pillow at night when you sleep and the tooth fairy will come and
take your teeth and in return they will give you a coin / money!
Wow.. I never heard that before. Give money? And then she said give
money for me to buy things and to grandma also. So funny but this really
works.We open the video in youtube to see Peppa Pig version of pulling
out the teeth and how tooth fairy come at night. Keep on repeating about
this and at night my girl still talking about it.
The next day she woke up early, had her breakfast and she is ready to go
to the dentist. Both me and hubby took a day off to bring her to dentist
together and this going to be the first experience for all of us.
Lucky we are early and we are the second patient. I always go to Klinik
Gigi Amar at Wangsa Maju who had 23 years of experience in dental. I
like her gentle way and expertise.We Never failed to come for scaling
every year.
My girl was steady and no sign to show that she is scared. I assured
there that this is going to be a quite process and you can put your
teeth in the small container which we bring along and show tooth fairy
tonight. The dentist put cream and then inject on it. She said can pull
out both teeth together. I was the one feeling scare standing there
seeing the whole process how her teeth being taken out. I still recall
my childhood time where my dad tell me I struggle and cry when we go to
see dentist. I am the naughty and always cry and make noise. Opss..My
dad have to carry me on his lap to pluck the teeth..ahah. |

Within just less than 10 minutes, her milk tooth came out
and she put in the container. She seems to be happy and keep looking at the
mirror. Waiting excitedly for her new teeth to come out.
It was another motherhood journey that gives me a sweet
memory seeing her long milk teeth. She is brave and calm. Much better than mummy huh..The lady
Dentist said “Good Girl”!